Authored by : AdeebaKhan , Syed MuhammadMehdi RazaNaqvi

10 Pages : 87-95


  • Avey, J. B., Palanski, M. E., & Walumbwa, F. O. (2011). When leadership goes unnoticed: The moderating role of follower self-esteem on the relationship between ethical leadership and follower behavior. Journal of business ethics, 98(4), 573-582.
  • Baumeister, R. F. (Ed.). (2013). Self-esteem: The puzzle of low self-regard. Springer Science & Business Media.
  • Bennett, R. J., & Robinson, S. L. (2000). Development of a measure of workplace deviance. Journal of applied psychology, 85(3), 349.
  • Beyan, A. C., Erdal, S., Alıcı, N. Ş., Çımrın, A., & Demiral, Y. (2018). 20 Stigma towards workers diagnosed with occupational diseases. Occup Environ Med. 75(2):A1-A650.
  • Chirasha, V., & Mahapa, M. (2012). An analysis of the causes and impact of deviant behaviour in the workplace. The case of secretaries in state universities. Journal of Emerging Trends in Economics and Management Sciences, 3(5), 415-421.
  • Chowdhury, M. R. K., Rahman, M. S., Mondal, M. N. I., Sayem, A., & Billah, B. (2015). Social impact of stigma regarding tuberculosis hindering adherence to treatment: A cross sectional study involving tuberculosis patients in Rajshahi city, Bangladesh. Japanese journal of infectious diseases, 68(6), 461-466.
  • Craig, G. M., Daftary, A., Engel, N., O'Driscoll, S., & Ioannaki, A. (2017). Tuberculosis stigma as a social determinant of health: a systematic mapping review of research in low incidence countries. International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 56, 90-100.
  • Earnshaw, V. A., Lang, S. M., Lippitt, M., Jin, H., & Chaudoir, S. R. (2015). HIV stigma and physical health symptoms: Do social support, adaptive coping, and/or identity centrality act as resilience resources?. AIDS and Behavior, 19(1), 41-49.
  • Earnshaw, V. A., Quinn, D. M., Kalichman, S. C., & Park, C. L. (2013). Development and psychometric evaluation of the chronic illness anticipated stigma scale. Journal of behavioral medicine, 36(3), 270-282.
  • Ferris, D. L., Spence, J. R., Brown, D. J., & Heller, D. (2012). Interpersonal injustice and workplace deviance: The role of esteem threat. Journal of Management, 38(6), 1788-1811.
  • Goffman, E. (1963). Stigma: Notes on a spoiled identity. Jenkins, JH & Carpenter.
  • Hair, J. F., Ringle, C. M., & Sarstedt, M. (2011). PLS-SEM: Indeed a silver bullet. Journal of Marketing theory and Practice, 19(2), 139-152.
  • Hogg, M. A. (2016). Social identity theory. In Understanding peace and conflict through social identity theory (pp. 3- 17). Springer, Cham.
  • Ikizer, E. G., Ramírez-Esparza, N., & Quinn, D. M. (2017). Culture and Concealable Stigmatized Identities: Examining Anticipated Stigma in the United States and Turkey.
  • Iliescu, D., Ispas, D., Sulea, C., & Ilie, A. (2015). Vocational fit and counterproductive work behaviors: A selfregulation perspective. Journal of Applied Psychology, 100(1), 21.
  • Isaksson, A., E. Corker, J. Cotney, S. Hamilton, V. Pinfold, D. Rose, N. Rüsch, C. Henderson, G. Thornicroft, and S. Evans-Lacko.
  • Jackson, S. E., Beeken, R. J., & Wardle, J. (2014). Perceived weight discrimination and changes in weight, waist circumference, and weight status. Obesity, 22(12), 2485-2488.
  • Kleim, B., Vauth, R., Adam, G., Stieglitz, R. D., Hayward, P., & Corrigan, P. (2008). Perceived stigma predicts low self-efficacy and poor coping in schizophrenia. Journal of Mental Health, 17(5), 482-491.
  • Latalova, K., Kamaradova, D., & Prasko, J. (2014). Perspectives on perceived stigma and self-stigma in adult male patients with depression. Neuropsychiatric disease and treatment, 10, 1399.
  • Luhtanen, R., & Crocker, J. (1992). A collective self-esteem scale: Self-evaluation of one's social identity. Personality and social psychology bulletin, 18(3), 302-318.
  • Mackey, J. D., Frieder, R. E., Perrewé, P. L., Gallagher, V. C., & Brymer, R. A. (2015). Empowered employees as social deviants: The role of abusive supervision. Journal of Business and Psychology, 30(1), 149-162.
  • Mackey, J. D., Frieder, R. E., Perrewé, P. L., Gallagher, V. C., & Brymer, R. A. (2015). Empowered employees as social deviants: The role of abusive supervision. Journal of Business and Psychology, 30(1), 149-162.
  • Major, B., & O'brien, L. T. (2005). The social psychology of stigma. Annu. Rev. Psychol., 56, 393-421.
  • Meyer, I. H. (2013). Prejudice, social stress, and mental health in lesbian, gay, and bisexual populations: conceptual issues and research evidence.
  • Mitchell, M. S., Vogel, R. M., & Folger, R. (2015). Third parties' reactions to the abusive supervision of coworkers. Journal of Applied Psychology, 100(4), 1040.
  • Murray, E. J., Bond, V. A., Marais, B. J., Godfrey-Faussett, P., Ayles, H. M., & Beyers, N. (2012). High levels of vulnerability and anticipated stigma reduce the impetus for tuberculosis diagnosis in Cape Town, South Africa. Health policy and planning, 28(4), 410-418.
  • Newheiser, A. K., Barreto, M., & Tiemersma, J. (2017). People like me don't belong here: Identity concealment is associated with negative workplace experiences. Journal of Social Issues, 73(2), 341-358.
  • Overstreet, N. M., & Quinn, D. M. (2013). The intimate partner violence stigmatization model and barriers to help seeking. Basic and applied social psychology, 35(1), 109-122
  • Overstreet, N. M., Gaskins, J. L., Quinn, D. M., & Williams, M. K. (2017). The moderating role of centrality on the association between internalized intimate partner violence‐related stigma and concealment of physical IPV. Journal of Social Issues, 73(2), 307-321
  • Ow, C. Y., & Lee, B. O. (2015). Relationships between perceived stigma, coping orientations, self-esteem, and quality of life in patients with schizophrenia. Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health, 27(2), NP1932- NP1941.
  • Palermiti, A. L., Servidio, R., Bartolo, M. G., & Costabile, A. (2017). Cyberbullying and self-esteem: An Italian study. Computers in Human Behavior, 69, 136-141.
  • Pascoe, E. A., & Smart Richman, L. (2009). Perceived discrimination and health: a meta-analytic review. Psychological bulletin, 135(4), 531.
  • Peltzer, K., & Pengpid, S. (2016). Anticipated stigma in chronic illness patients in Cambodia, Myanmar and Vietnam. Nagoya journal of medical science, 78(4), 423.
  • Quinn, D. M., & Chaudoir, S. R. (2009). Living with a concealable stigmatized identity: the impact of anticipated stigma, centrality, salience, and cultural stigma on psychological distress and health. Journal of personality and social psychology, 97(4), 634.
  • Quinn, D. M., & Earnshaw, V. A. (2013). Concealable stigmatized identities and psychological well‐ being. Social and personality psychology compass, 7(1), 40-51.
  • Quinn, D. M., Williams, M. K., Quintana, F., Gaskins, J. L., Overstreet, N. M., Pishori, A., & Chaudoir, S. R. (2014). Examining effects of anticipated stigma, centrality, salience, internalization, and outness on psychological distress for people with concealable stigmatized identities. PloS one, 9(5), e96977.
  • Rood, E. J. J., Mergenthaler, C., Bakker, M. I., Redwood, L., & Mitchell, E. M. H. (2017). Using 15 DHS surveys to study epidemiological correlates of TB courtesy stigma and health-seeking behaviour. The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 21(11), S60-S68.
  • Rosenberg, F. R., Rosenberg, M., & McCord, J. (1978). Self-esteem and delinquency. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 7(3), 279-294.
  • Rosenberg, M. (1965). Rosenberg self-esteem scale (RSE). Acceptance and commitment therapy. Measures package, 61.
  • Seo, H. S., Kim, H., Hwang, S. M., Hong, S. H., & Lee, I. Y. (2016). Predictors of job satisfaction and burnout among tuberculosis management nurses and physicians. Epidemiology and health, 38.
  • Smith, R. A., & Baker, M. (2012). At the edge? HIV stigma and centrality in a community's social network in Namibia. AIDS and Behavior, 16(3), 525-534.
  • Tajfel, H., & Turner, J. C. (1979). An integrative theory of intergroup conflict. The social psychology of intergroup relations, 33(47), 74.
  • Thoits, P. A. (2013). Self, identity, stress, and mental health. In Handbook of the sociology of mental health (pp. 357-377). Springer Netherlands.
  • Vass, V., Morrison, A. P., Law, H., Dudley, J., Taylor, P., Bennett, K. M., & Bentall, R. P. (2015). How stigma impacts on people with psychosis: The mediating effect of self-esteem and hopelessness on subjective recovery and psychotic experiences. Psychiatry research, 230(2), 487-495.
  • Whelpley, C. E., & McDaniel, M. A. (2016). Self-esteem and counterproductive work behaviors: a systematic review. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 31(4), 850-863.
  • Whelpley, C. E., & McDaniel, M. A. (2016). Self-esteem and counterproductive work behaviors: a systematic review. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 31(4), 850-863.
  • World Health Organization. (2018). Global tuberculosis report 2018. World Health Organization.
  • Avey, J. B., Palanski, M. E., & Walumbwa, F. O. (2011). When leadership goes unnoticed: The moderating role of follower self-esteem on the relationship between ethical leadership and follower behavior. Journal of business ethics, 98(4), 573-582.
  • Baumeister, R. F. (Ed.). (2013). Self-esteem: The puzzle of low self-regard. Springer Science & Business Media.
  • Bennett, R. J., & Robinson, S. L. (2000). Development of a measure of workplace deviance. Journal of applied psychology, 85(3), 349.
  • Beyan, A. C., Erdal, S., Alıcı, N. Ş., Çımrın, A., & Demiral, Y. (2018). 20 Stigma towards workers diagnosed with occupational diseases. Occup Environ Med. 75(2):A1-A650.
  • Chirasha, V., & Mahapa, M. (2012). An analysis of the causes and impact of deviant behaviour in the workplace. The case of secretaries in state universities. Journal of Emerging Trends in Economics and Management Sciences, 3(5), 415-421.
  • Chowdhury, M. R. K., Rahman, M. S., Mondal, M. N. I., Sayem, A., & Billah, B. (2015). Social impact of stigma regarding tuberculosis hindering adherence to treatment: A cross sectional study involving tuberculosis patients in Rajshahi city, Bangladesh. Japanese journal of infectious diseases, 68(6), 461-466.
  • Craig, G. M., Daftary, A., Engel, N., O'Driscoll, S., & Ioannaki, A. (2017). Tuberculosis stigma as a social determinant of health: a systematic mapping review of research in low incidence countries. International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 56, 90-100.
  • Earnshaw, V. A., Lang, S. M., Lippitt, M., Jin, H., & Chaudoir, S. R. (2015). HIV stigma and physical health symptoms: Do social support, adaptive coping, and/or identity centrality act as resilience resources?. AIDS and Behavior, 19(1), 41-49.
  • Earnshaw, V. A., Quinn, D. M., Kalichman, S. C., & Park, C. L. (2013). Development and psychometric evaluation of the chronic illness anticipated stigma scale. Journal of behavioral medicine, 36(3), 270-282.
  • Ferris, D. L., Spence, J. R., Brown, D. J., & Heller, D. (2012). Interpersonal injustice and workplace deviance: The role of esteem threat. Journal of Management, 38(6), 1788-1811.
  • Goffman, E. (1963). Stigma: Notes on a spoiled identity. Jenkins, JH & Carpenter.
  • Hair, J. F., Ringle, C. M., & Sarstedt, M. (2011). PLS-SEM: Indeed a silver bullet. Journal of Marketing theory and Practice, 19(2), 139-152.
  • Hogg, M. A. (2016). Social identity theory. In Understanding peace and conflict through social identity theory (pp. 3- 17). Springer, Cham.
  • Ikizer, E. G., Ramírez-Esparza, N., & Quinn, D. M. (2017). Culture and Concealable Stigmatized Identities: Examining Anticipated Stigma in the United States and Turkey.
  • Iliescu, D., Ispas, D., Sulea, C., & Ilie, A. (2015). Vocational fit and counterproductive work behaviors: A selfregulation perspective. Journal of Applied Psychology, 100(1), 21.
  • Isaksson, A., E. Corker, J. Cotney, S. Hamilton, V. Pinfold, D. Rose, N. Rüsch, C. Henderson, G. Thornicroft, and S. Evans-Lacko.
  • Jackson, S. E., Beeken, R. J., & Wardle, J. (2014). Perceived weight discrimination and changes in weight, waist circumference, and weight status. Obesity, 22(12), 2485-2488.
  • Kleim, B., Vauth, R., Adam, G., Stieglitz, R. D., Hayward, P., & Corrigan, P. (2008). Perceived stigma predicts low self-efficacy and poor coping in schizophrenia. Journal of Mental Health, 17(5), 482-491.
  • Latalova, K., Kamaradova, D., & Prasko, J. (2014). Perspectives on perceived stigma and self-stigma in adult male patients with depression. Neuropsychiatric disease and treatment, 10, 1399.
  • Luhtanen, R., & Crocker, J. (1992). A collective self-esteem scale: Self-evaluation of one's social identity. Personality and social psychology bulletin, 18(3), 302-318.
  • Mackey, J. D., Frieder, R. E., Perrewé, P. L., Gallagher, V. C., & Brymer, R. A. (2015). Empowered employees as social deviants: The role of abusive supervision. Journal of Business and Psychology, 30(1), 149-162.
  • Mackey, J. D., Frieder, R. E., Perrewé, P. L., Gallagher, V. C., & Brymer, R. A. (2015). Empowered employees as social deviants: The role of abusive supervision. Journal of Business and Psychology, 30(1), 149-162.
  • Major, B., & O'brien, L. T. (2005). The social psychology of stigma. Annu. Rev. Psychol., 56, 393-421.
  • Meyer, I. H. (2013). Prejudice, social stress, and mental health in lesbian, gay, and bisexual populations: conceptual issues and research evidence.
  • Mitchell, M. S., Vogel, R. M., & Folger, R. (2015). Third parties' reactions to the abusive supervision of coworkers. Journal of Applied Psychology, 100(4), 1040.
  • Murray, E. J., Bond, V. A., Marais, B. J., Godfrey-Faussett, P., Ayles, H. M., & Beyers, N. (2012). High levels of vulnerability and anticipated stigma reduce the impetus for tuberculosis diagnosis in Cape Town, South Africa. Health policy and planning, 28(4), 410-418.
  • Newheiser, A. K., Barreto, M., & Tiemersma, J. (2017). People like me don't belong here: Identity concealment is associated with negative workplace experiences. Journal of Social Issues, 73(2), 341-358.
  • Overstreet, N. M., & Quinn, D. M. (2013). The intimate partner violence stigmatization model and barriers to help seeking. Basic and applied social psychology, 35(1), 109-122
  • Overstreet, N. M., Gaskins, J. L., Quinn, D. M., & Williams, M. K. (2017). The moderating role of centrality on the association between internalized intimate partner violence‐related stigma and concealment of physical IPV. Journal of Social Issues, 73(2), 307-321
  • Ow, C. Y., & Lee, B. O. (2015). Relationships between perceived stigma, coping orientations, self-esteem, and quality of life in patients with schizophrenia. Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health, 27(2), NP1932- NP1941.
  • Palermiti, A. L., Servidio, R., Bartolo, M. G., & Costabile, A. (2017). Cyberbullying and self-esteem: An Italian study. Computers in Human Behavior, 69, 136-141.
  • Pascoe, E. A., & Smart Richman, L. (2009). Perceived discrimination and health: a meta-analytic review. Psychological bulletin, 135(4), 531.
  • Peltzer, K., & Pengpid, S. (2016). Anticipated stigma in chronic illness patients in Cambodia, Myanmar and Vietnam. Nagoya journal of medical science, 78(4), 423.
  • Quinn, D. M., & Chaudoir, S. R. (2009). Living with a concealable stigmatized identity: the impact of anticipated stigma, centrality, salience, and cultural stigma on psychological distress and health. Journal of personality and social psychology, 97(4), 634.
  • Quinn, D. M., & Earnshaw, V. A. (2013). Concealable stigmatized identities and psychological well‐ being. Social and personality psychology compass, 7(1), 40-51.
  • Quinn, D. M., Williams, M. K., Quintana, F., Gaskins, J. L., Overstreet, N. M., Pishori, A., & Chaudoir, S. R. (2014). Examining effects of anticipated stigma, centrality, salience, internalization, and outness on psychological distress for people with concealable stigmatized identities. PloS one, 9(5), e96977.
  • Rood, E. J. J., Mergenthaler, C., Bakker, M. I., Redwood, L., & Mitchell, E. M. H. (2017). Using 15 DHS surveys to study epidemiological correlates of TB courtesy stigma and health-seeking behaviour. The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 21(11), S60-S68.
  • Rosenberg, F. R., Rosenberg, M., & McCord, J. (1978). Self-esteem and delinquency. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 7(3), 279-294.
  • Rosenberg, M. (1965). Rosenberg self-esteem scale (RSE). Acceptance and commitment therapy. Measures package, 61.
  • Seo, H. S., Kim, H., Hwang, S. M., Hong, S. H., & Lee, I. Y. (2016). Predictors of job satisfaction and burnout among tuberculosis management nurses and physicians. Epidemiology and health, 38.
  • Smith, R. A., & Baker, M. (2012). At the edge? HIV stigma and centrality in a community's social network in Namibia. AIDS and Behavior, 16(3), 525-534.
  • Tajfel, H., & Turner, J. C. (1979). An integrative theory of intergroup conflict. The social psychology of intergroup relations, 33(47), 74.
  • Thoits, P. A. (2013). Self, identity, stress, and mental health. In Handbook of the sociology of mental health (pp. 357-377). Springer Netherlands.
  • Vass, V., Morrison, A. P., Law, H., Dudley, J., Taylor, P., Bennett, K. M., & Bentall, R. P. (2015). How stigma impacts on people with psychosis: The mediating effect of self-esteem and hopelessness on subjective recovery and psychotic experiences. Psychiatry research, 230(2), 487-495.
  • Whelpley, C. E., & McDaniel, M. A. (2016). Self-esteem and counterproductive work behaviors: a systematic review. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 31(4), 850-863.
  • Whelpley, C. E., & McDaniel, M. A. (2016). Self-esteem and counterproductive work behaviors: a systematic review. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 31(4), 850-863.
  • World Health Organization. (2018). Global tuberculosis report 2018. World Health Organization.

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    APA : Khan, A., & Naqvi, S. M. M. R. (2019). Anticipated Tuberculosis Stigmatized Identities and Deviant Workplace Behavior: A Moderated Mediated Model in Pakistan. Global Regional Review, IV(I), 87-95.
    CHICAGO : Khan, Adeeba, and Syed Muhammad Mehdi Raza Naqvi. 2019. "Anticipated Tuberculosis Stigmatized Identities and Deviant Workplace Behavior: A Moderated Mediated Model in Pakistan." Global Regional Review, IV (I): 87-95 doi: 10.31703/grr.2019(IV-I).10
    HARVARD : KHAN, A. & NAQVI, S. M. M. R. 2019. Anticipated Tuberculosis Stigmatized Identities and Deviant Workplace Behavior: A Moderated Mediated Model in Pakistan. Global Regional Review, IV, 87-95.
    MHRA : Khan, Adeeba, and Syed Muhammad Mehdi Raza Naqvi. 2019. "Anticipated Tuberculosis Stigmatized Identities and Deviant Workplace Behavior: A Moderated Mediated Model in Pakistan." Global Regional Review, IV: 87-95
    MLA : Khan, Adeeba, and Syed Muhammad Mehdi Raza Naqvi. "Anticipated Tuberculosis Stigmatized Identities and Deviant Workplace Behavior: A Moderated Mediated Model in Pakistan." Global Regional Review, IV.I (2019): 87-95 Print.
    OXFORD : Khan, Adeeba and Naqvi, Syed Muhammad Mehdi Raza (2019), "Anticipated Tuberculosis Stigmatized Identities and Deviant Workplace Behavior: A Moderated Mediated Model in Pakistan", Global Regional Review, IV (I), 87-95
    TURABIAN : Khan, Adeeba, and Syed Muhammad Mehdi Raza Naqvi. "Anticipated Tuberculosis Stigmatized Identities and Deviant Workplace Behavior: A Moderated Mediated Model in Pakistan." Global Regional Review IV, no. I (2019): 87-95.