Authored by : MuhammadFurqanAshraf , BabakMahmood , MudassarMushtaq

37 Pages : 343-350


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  • Aldrich, H. (1999). Organizations evolving. London: Sage
  • Alstete, J. W. (2008). Aspects of entrepreneurial success. Journal of small business and enterprise development, 15(3), 584-593. DOI 10.1108/14626000810892364
  • Alred, G., Garvey, B., & Smith, R. (2007). The mentoring pocket book. Management Pocket Books, Arlesford, Hants.
  • Arenius, P., & Minniti, M., 2005. Perceptual variables and nascent entrepreneurship. Small Business Economics, 24(3), 233- 247.
  • Baron, A. R., & Markman, D. G. (2003). Beyond social capital, the role of entrepreneur's social competence in their financial success. Journal of business venturing, 18, 41-60.
  • Batjargal, B. (2003). Social capital and entrepreneurial performance in Russia, a longitudinal study.SagePublications. 10.117710170840603024004002.
  • Bizri, R., Alia, K., Dani, A., & Bakri, M. (2012). Barriers to entrepreneurial endeavors in a developing economy. Journal of entrepreneurship and management, 16(8), 88.
  • Bosma, N., Hessels, J., Schutjens, V., Praag, V. M., & Verheul, I. (2012). Entrepreneurship and role models. Journal of economic psychology, 33(2), 1-32. Doi: 10.1016/j.joep.2011.03.004.
  • Brinckmann, J., Grichnik, D., & Kapsa, D. (2010). Should entrepreneurs plan or just storm the castle? A meta-analysis on contextual factors impacting the business planning-performance relationship in small firms. Journal of Business Venturing, 25, 24-40
  • Cacciotti, G. & J. C. Hayton (2015). Fear and entrepreneurship: A review and research agenda. International Journal of Management Reviews, 17(2), 165-190.
  • Coelho, P. R. P., & McClure, J. E. (2005). Learning from failure. Mid-American Journal of Business, 20(1), 13-20
  • Conroy, D. E., Poczwardowski, A., & Henschen, K. P. (2001). Evaluative Criteria and Consequences Associated with Failure and Success for Elite Athletes and Performing Artists. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 13, 300-322
  • Conroy, D. E., Metzler, J. N., & Willow, J. P. (2002). Multidimensional fear of failure measurement: the Performance Failure Appraisal Inventory. Journal of applied sport psychology, 14, 76-90.
  • Conroy, D.E., Elliot, A.J., & Hofer, S.M. (2003). A 2 × 2 Achievement Goals Questionnaire for Sport: Evidence for factorial invariance, temporal stability, and external validity. Journal of sport & exercise psychology, 25,456-476
  • Cope, J. (2011). Entrepreneurial learning from failure: An interpretative phenomenological analysis. Journal of Business Venturing, 26(6), 604-623.
  • Cope, J. & Watts, G. (2000). Learning by doing an exploration of experience, critical incidents and reflection in entrepreneurial learning. International journal of entrepreneurial behaviour & research, 6(3), 104-24.
  • Corbett, A.C. (2002). Recognizing high-tech opportunities: A learning and cognitive approach. In: Bygrave, W.D., et al., (Eds.), Frontiers of entrepreneurship research. Wellesley, MA: Babson College, pp. 49-60
  • Coyne, C.J., & Leeson, D.T. (2004). The Plight of Underdeveloped Countries. Cato Journal, 24(3), 235-49.
  • Davidsson, P., Honig. (2003). The role of social and human capital among nascent entrepreneurs. J. of Business Venturing, 18(3) 301-332.
  • Davidsson, P., & Gordon, S. (2012). Panel studies of new venture creation: a methods focused review and suggestions for future research. Small business economics, 39(4), 853-876.
  • Dimov, D. (2010). Nascent entrepreneurs and venture emergence: opportunity confidence, Human Capital, and Early Planning. Journal of management studies, 47(6), 1123-1153
  • Ferris, G.R., Anthony, W.P., & Gilmore, D.C. (1997). In Press. Political skill at work. Organization dynamics
  • Hall, P. (1995).

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    APA : Ashraf, M. F., Mahmood, B., & Mushtaq, M. (2019). An Empirical Study of Impediments of Entrepreneurship Failure. A Case Study of District Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan. (Thematic Analysis). Global Regional Review, IV(I), 343-350.
    CHICAGO : Ashraf, Muhammad Furqan, Babak Mahmood, and Mudassar Mushtaq. 2019. "An Empirical Study of Impediments of Entrepreneurship Failure. A Case Study of District Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan. (Thematic Analysis)." Global Regional Review, IV (I): 343-350 doi: 10.31703/grr.2019(IV-I).37
    HARVARD : ASHRAF, M. F., MAHMOOD, B. & MUSHTAQ, M. 2019. An Empirical Study of Impediments of Entrepreneurship Failure. A Case Study of District Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan. (Thematic Analysis). Global Regional Review, IV, 343-350.
    MHRA : Ashraf, Muhammad Furqan, Babak Mahmood, and Mudassar Mushtaq. 2019. "An Empirical Study of Impediments of Entrepreneurship Failure. A Case Study of District Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan. (Thematic Analysis)." Global Regional Review, IV: 343-350
    MLA : Ashraf, Muhammad Furqan, Babak Mahmood, and Mudassar Mushtaq. "An Empirical Study of Impediments of Entrepreneurship Failure. A Case Study of District Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan. (Thematic Analysis)." Global Regional Review, IV.I (2019): 343-350 Print.
    OXFORD : Ashraf, Muhammad Furqan, Mahmood, Babak, and Mushtaq, Mudassar (2019), "An Empirical Study of Impediments of Entrepreneurship Failure. A Case Study of District Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan. (Thematic Analysis)", Global Regional Review, IV (I), 343-350
    TURABIAN : Ashraf, Muhammad Furqan, Babak Mahmood, and Mudassar Mushtaq. "An Empirical Study of Impediments of Entrepreneurship Failure. A Case Study of District Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan. (Thematic Analysis)." Global Regional Review IV, no. I (2019): 343-350.